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Co-developed by Alba motocross brake cover wins JEC Innovation Award

KTM Technologies & Bcomp, with Alba as tooling technology partner, win the prestigious JEC Innovation Award for their motocross brake cover. Alba is proud to have played a part in the production of this innovative product as a development partner. In the category "Sport, Leisure & Recreation", the motocross brake cover is honoured with the JEC Award. For the jury, product advantages such as functionality, design, scalability, sustainability and an end-of-life scenario that includes recycling of the parts were decisive.

Technologies for the mobility of the future

As sustainability and the circular economy become increasingly important in motorsport and mobility, projects like this brake cover are breaking new ground. The brake cover is the first market-ready product to combine motorsport-grade natural fibre composites and road-grade bio-based thermoplastics with KTM Technologies' innovative CONEXUS joining technology. This technology makes it possible to combine thermoset and thermoplastic materials through direct chemical bonding. The CONEXUS compound layer consists of combined molecules that create a molecular bond to thermoset resin on one side and thermoplastic material on the other. The unique formulation also allows the materials used to be separated from each other again at the end of the product life cycle, thus achieving a suitable end-of-life solution for all individual components. The innovative component combines the best properties of thermoset and thermoplastic polymers. Compared to a traditionally injection moulded part, the brake cover saves weight, has higher stiffness and has a much lower carbon footprint.

Cross-industry project expertise

With this cross-industry project, Alba tooling & engineering has once again proven that the Salzburg-based company is rightly called a hidden champion. Development competence in terms of new materials and manufacturing processes as well as profound know-how in the lightweight construction segment make Alba a strong partner in the field of research and innovation.


Alba's lightweight construction know-how has already won several awards

After the ultra-lightweight seat and the Ebusco 3.0 electric bus, this is the third internationally recognised and award-winning lightweight construction project in which Alba has played a major role. With these projects, Alba has once again shown that it lives up to its slogan "Creating Individual Technologies". Flexibility, out-of-the-box thinking and the motivation to reinvent technologies and products are the driving force and an essential part of Alba's mentality.

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