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The alba mask guard - A company from pongau relies on artificial intelligence for mask recognition

From the initial idea to the finished product in just 4 weeks
Anton Naue, the owner and managing director of the Alba Group, went on the offensive and bundled the resources in the company that had been freed up by the corona lockdown and short-time work into an innovation team. In a record time of only 4 weeks, Alba developed the Mask Guard with its effective and reliable monitoring system for highly frequented locations.

Compact solution for any industry
The system is free of emotion and can use artificial intelligence to identify people not wearing protective masks in real time via live stream. In times of COVID 19, it is inevitable to wear a PPE in public areas. In the current situation, visitors to public facilities need to be sensitised. It happens time and again that people forget to wear their PPE. In stationary trade, public transport, hospitals, old people's homes, schools and public buildings, the Mask Guard can be used to quickly and easily check that masks are compulsory.


Reasons for the Mask Guard
The wearing of PPE is required by legislation. The digital Mask Guard is a compact solution to protect employees and visitors and checks the access corridor in real time and detects whether the PPE is being worn

Cooperation partner Nexustec provides artificial intelligence
Using technology from cooperation partner Nexustec, a neural network (artificial intelligence) was trained through machine learning - using different examples (people with and without masks) in many learning loops. The artificial intelligence can generalise and classify after the learning phase is completed. Thus, the AI software finds Corona masks in an image and subsequently classifies precisely whether a person is wearing a mask or not.


Technical data and features
The system is based on robust, industrial camera technology and plug & play AI software. Persons are informed by means of a display and red/green LED lamps as well as an acoustic warning signal to wear the filtering face piece. The basic indoor version is available from EUR 2,400 excl. VAT. Numerous optional features are also available, such as a disinfectant dispenser, a counter (to determine the number of people in the building), a temperature gauge and access systems. The Mask Guard is portable and can be put into operation in just a few minutes. All that is required for commissioning is a socket with the usual mains voltage of 230 volts.

Owner Anton Naue with the innovative digital PPE detection system


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