Alba Industries in Forstau, Austria
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The spirit of innovation is deeply rooted in our corporate culture and philosophy. For over 30 years, Alba has stood for competence, experience, know-how in development and strength in innovation. Innovations are the cornerstone of Alba's continuous growth. Our engineers are constantly engaged in the development of smart materials, innovative plants and production processes. In addition to its own innovative strength, Alba also relies on cooperation with strong partners. Important development partners are educational institutions, such as universities or technical colleges. In addition, cross-industry cooperation with leading specialists is essential for Alba to drive forward the development of innovative products. Development expertise in new materials and manufacturing processes as well as profound know-how in product development make Alba a strong innovation driver. Flexibility, out-of-the-box thinking and the motivation to reinvent technologies and products are driving forces and an essential part of Alba's mentality.

Development competence and know-how

Video Innovations

Development competence and know-how Development competence and know-how

Smart material

Tannin foam

Smart material tannin foam

Alba is currently working on a completely natural industrial foam. This is made possible by tannins obtained from the bark of trees. The advantages of the natural foam are obvious. Unlike petroleum-based products, tannin foam is non-flammable, has very good thermal properties, is extremely resilient and is 100% recyclable. In addition, the waste product tree bark can be put to more sensible use.

Especially in the field of mobility (car, bus, train, plane, etc.), tannin can replace existing materials made of EPP (expanded polypropylene) or PUR (polyurethane). Tannin can be used here as a single material or in combination with natural fibers.

Alba technologies

We master the following technologies at Alba:

  • Polyurethane (PUR) processing
  • Pressing / Joining
  • Laminating and edgefolding
  • Adhesive technologies
  • Punching technology / Flexible trimming
  • Lightweight construction technologies
  • Systems engineering
  • Automation / Control Technology

We are also a strong and reliable partner in product development. We accompany our customers from the first idea, design, construction to the realization of first prototypes and the production of small series. Through cross-industry cooperation, we can achieve the maximum output for our customers.


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