Alba Industries in Forstau, Austria
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Alba Foam Mould for a door trim

Foam Moulds from Alba

Foam Moulds

Alba develops and manufactures various types of Polyurethane foaming tools depending on the required properties of the end product.

Depending on the application, the necessary moulds are always manufactured in steel, aluminium or plastic to implement the corresponding foaming, front foaming or back foaming tasks.

Alba range of services includes

  • Component development and co-design
  • Development support for inserts, removal concepts and removal components
  • Prototype foam moulds
  • Series foam moulds
  • Venting aids (Alba Autovents) and demoulding aids

Venting systems and demoulding aids

Video Autovents

Venting systems and demoulding aids Venting systems and demoulding aids

The Alba Concept

The most effective combination for mould design is selected with perfectly matched features for sealing, ventilation and temperature control, some of which are based on proprietary patents.

In combination with our mould carrier systems, reliable and virtually rework-free PUR component production is made possible, taking into account production-related and ergonomic aspects. Depending on the requirements, both open and closed foamable mould variants are used.

Alba Isolation Technology

Isolation Technology

Alba is an internationally active technology provider and reliable partner in the development of challenging projects. We also offer competent and flexible solutions of the highest quality in the field of insulation technology, from planning to implementation. Alba develops innovative systems for all requirements.

Our customers come from a wide range of industries such as automotive, rail vehicles, aviation, cable cars, the electrical and construction industries as well as the furniture and textile industries.

Thanks to our many years of know-how and our high density of in-house production, we have the opportunity to offer a comprehensive product portfolio in the field of insulation technology.

Alba Range of Services includes

  • Foam and support tools
  • Turnkey production solutions
  • Upstream or downstream processes possible (surface treatment, punching etc.)
  • Prototyping
  • Own technical center for in-house production

Alba Isolation technology

Erwin Hettegger
Project & Sales Manager  
Production Engineering Interior, Non
Automotive Special Applications
Phone: +43 6454 7800-6202
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