Alba Industries in Forstau, Austria
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"Long Night of Apprenticeship"

For students, the time comes to think about the future and to deal with the question "School or apprenticeship?". Not an easy thing to do. For this reason, the Alba headquarters in Forstau was all about "Apprenticeship" on Friday, April 21, 2023. From 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., young people, students and interested parties were able to get an idea of the apprenticeship professions at Alba during the "Long Night of Apprenticeship".

Big crowd at the "Long Night of Apprenticeships

The interest in the "Long Night of Apprenticeships" was very high and reflects the trend that apprenticeships are now more appreciated again. A total of 80 visitors came to find out about the apprenticeship professions and the company. In detail, the professions: Machinist, Mechanical Technician and Mechatronics Technician could be experienced up close. In addition to the skilled trades, information was also provided about the apprenticeships IT technician and office clerk.

Young and old alike were thrilled by the exciting guided tours of the company and the hands-on stations, and marveled at the wide range of apprenticeships and opportunities at Alba. Special highlights could be experienced in the in-house technical center, where visitors could watch first-hand how a toy bear was foamed or get an introduction to robotics.

Trend reversal: Apprenticeships are becoming cool again

Apprenticeships are losing their dusty image and becoming cool again. Earning your own money and being independent are just two of the many benefits that an apprenticeship offers. When deciding on an apprenticeship, the most important thing is that young people pursue their interests and thus have fun and enjoy their training. Managing Director Erwin Pilz comments: "In order to secure our next generation of skilled workers, we train our skilled workers ourselves and offer apprentices many opportunities. Apprenticeship with Matura is only one of many options. At Alba, all career paths are open to apprentices. Many of our employees started as apprentices at Alba and are now in management positions."

Girls in technology

Technology is not just a man's job: at Alba, girls and boys are trained in mechanical engineering technology, mechatronics, machining technology and IT technology. We especially want to encourage girls to learn a future-oriented, technical profession. The best example is Sarah: she successfully completed her apprenticeship as a mechatronics technician and is already traveling the world with Alba. Just recently, Sara was on assignment in Brazil. Sara can look forward to a successful professional future with great career opportunities!

Alba as an apprenticing company

For more than 25 years, new apprentices have been trained every year at the Forstau site in a wide variety of apprenticeship professions. In 2022 and 2023, a total of 8 apprentices successfully passed their final apprenticeship exams. On average, there are always 10 to 12 apprentices in training. Alba takes its responsibility as an apprenticeship company very seriously. A good working atmosphere and various additional offers and social benefits contribute to the fact that our apprentices feel comfortable and can develop in the best possible way. Professional development and the strengthening of the personality are the focus of the apprenticeship training.


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