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We say goodbye to founder Helmut Naue

Entrepreneur Helmut Naue passed away on September 24 at the age of 82. He leaves behind his wife Lore and two sons Anton and Alexander as well as 5 granddaughters.

After graduating with a degree in industrial engineering, he started his professional career at EAH NAUE GmbH & Co. KG in Mannheim, Germany. After the sudden death of his father in 1967, he joined the management of the company with headquarters in Espelkamp. Under the management of Helmut Naue and his brother Friedrich Wilhelm Naue, the company developed over the next decades into one of the leading manufacturers of seats, door-, and roof trims for the automotive industry. In 1991, production took place at 15 locations with over 4,000 employees. More than 2,000 employees worked in Espelkamp alone.

In 1992, the automotive supply business was sold to the American company Johnson Controls. The two brothers then focused their activities on expanding the previous company NAUE Fasertechnik. Today, the Fiestel-based company is one of the world market leaders in the field of geosynthetics for landfill-, water-, and road construction. His son Alexander Naue is one of the managing partners in the company NAUE GmbH & Co. KG.

Helmut Naue's second home was in Austria. In 1990, he founded the company Alba Werkzeug- und Formenbau GmbH in Forstau. Alba started business operations with eight employees. Today's Alba tooling & engineering GmbH also expanded worldwide and, as a family-owned company group, employs over 400 people at 8 different locations. The company was taken over in March 2013 by son Anton Naue as a shareholder, who has been a member of the management team since May 2001.

In recognition of his special merits, Helmut Naue received the Grand Decoration of Honor of the Province of Styria, the Silver Decoration of Honor of the Province of Salzburg, the Ring of Honor of the Municipality of Forstau, became an honorary citizen of the market town of Haus im Ennstal and Honorary President of the Schladming-Dachstein Golf Club.

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